

ux designer a Specialist who think about how for users

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고민하는 Service · eXperience Specialist 전지호입니다.


introduction image

I graduated from a master's degree in service design and provide design thinking
-based digital content UX design and service design consulting.

Work experience with various stakeholders.

I have a sharp observation and empathy.



Based on UX research using service design methodology,
it conducts usability evaluation, interviews, and FGI
and designs 2D graphics with Adobe design tools.
It also uses html, css, and jQuery to implement designs
on the web and actions through responsive webs.


2020 Demand Analysis for Development of Hybrid Smart Clothing for Park Golf Users,
Journal of Integrated Design Research; 2020, vol.19, no.4,(52) pp.125-142
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2018 A Study on the Mobile App Service Contents for Managing Lifestyle of Spinal Disease,
Ewha Womans University, Graduate School of Design; 2018
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2017 An empirical study on the elderly healthcare service for the elderly using ICT;
Centering on Songpa-gu area, Society of Design Convergence; 2017,16(1):257-280, ISSN 2287-40892
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2017 Eating alone and metabolic syndrome: A population-based Korean National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey 2013-2014, Obesity Research & Clinical Practice2017_ 2018 Mar-Apr
2018;12(2):146-157. doi: 10.1016/j.orcp.2017.09.002. Epub 2017 Oct 20.
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Shoot me an e-mail if you want to chat about my work.
Or, get to know me better through my other platforms.